From Left to Right
Bro Rory Gamble Grande Prairie 105, RWBro Steve Johnson Northland 147, WBro Eric G Astell Glenbow 184, RWBro Brian Carreau Northland 147, RWBro Nik Sellwood Grande Prairie 105, WBro Chris Viola Northland 147, WBro Wayne Putnam Lake Saskatoon 106, Wendy Beigel Fairview and District Women’s Centre Association Bro Bill Sheets Peace River 89, RWBro Gord Hughes DDGM Mighty Peace, WBro Jamie Green Peace River 89, RWBro Tony Taylor Grande Prairie 105, Bro Thomas Berry Lake Saskatoon 106, Bro Albert Viniegra Peace River 89, photographer RWBro Stan Berry Lake Saskatoon 106
The Masonic Foundation of Alberta has made a donation of $2000 to the Fairview and District Womens Centre Association on behalf of the Mighty Peace District Lodges – DDGM Christmas Wishlist Donation 2022.