From Left R.W. Bro Don Mah Northern Lights DDGM, Janine Fraser – Executive Director Kids Kottage, R.W. Bro. David Wright MFA Representative NLD
Northern Lights District presenting to Edmonton’s Kids Kottage Foundation.
Happiness of society is based on the wellbeing of families. When families are under stress children are the hidden victims. It is hard to accept that our society has homeless infants! On the day of our presentation a six-day old infant was in need of this safe and nurturing environment. The work of Kids Kottage and the dedication of the staff is very deserving of the recognition and support of the Masonic fraternity. Recently nominated for an International Peace Award for its community work with poverty and the homeless. It is one of only THREE crisis nurseries in Canada providing shelter to infants and children up to 10 years of age. Since opening in 1995 it has provided safe refuge to over 27,000 infants and children and has helped over 14,000 caregivers. Programs include 72-hour emergency shelter, FASD respite, and Basic Shelf program to address food insecurity.